Unit 14 Self, Teacher and Peer Evaluation of El Perdon performance n 8.03.23




Name                                          Rosy Constanti                


Style: How accurate was the execution of the style and technique in performance?

Consistently accurate

Accurate for most of the solo

As attempt but accuracy not sustained





Qualities: How accurate were the use of musicality and rhythm?

Consistently accurate

Accurate for most of the solo

As attempt but accuracy not sustained





Context and interpretation: How successful was the communication of the ‘meaning’ of the dance in performance? 

Identify which communication skills were used: 

·      Mine and Adama’s duet – eye contact was used to convey a power imbalance and levels were used to show control and dominance 

·      Facial expression





Consistently effective

Effective for most of the solo

An attempt to communicate intention but not sustained





Criteria covered by this task:


Identify key features of dance genres

P2: ✓

Maintain dance technique and demonstrate some progression

P3: ✓

Perform dance demonstrating some application of physical and interpretative skills  

P4: ✓

Review own technical performance, setting targets


Maintain dance technique and demonstrate improvement of technical skills with expression


Perform dance integrating good technical and performance skills


Deliver an engaging performance showcase that demonstrates a high level of understanding in expression, interpretation and sense of style


Signed by student _____________________Rosy Constanti_______________________


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