Unit 13 and 14 'A Doll's House' Ensemble Dance 'El Person' - Teacher Feedback on progress in contemporary dance style

 Rosy, you have really grown in confidence as a dancer during  the ‘El Perdon’ project relating to The Dolls House, bringing energy and enthusiasm to all aspects of the work. In your performances on Wednesday  8th March at the One Night Only Showcase and the Punchdrunk interpretation of ‘A Dolls House’ on Wednesday 29th March 2023 you performed the ensemble dance sequence with accurate techniques and stylistic performance qualities specific to contemporary dance. As a performer you were very effective in the projection of the movement material and emotional intensity to an audience. You clearly understand that a successful performance is about communicating the meaning of the work as much as technical accuracy.   I was delighted by your understanding of the musical accompaniment ‘El Perdon’, enabling you to dance with accurate use of rhythm and time structures and a sense of musicality in performance.

Your positive contribution to devising the piece ‘El Perdon’ demonstrated that you can bring the skills of improvisation and collaboration in response to a range of stimuli including the influence of Rash Dash Theatre Company, the lyrics of the song ‘El Perdon’ and the intention of key characters found in Ibsen’s The Dolls House. You were prepared to take risks in the range of contact work used especially the falling and catching chorus sequence.

You were highly committed to the rehearsal process, always working hard to refine the material so it was polished and ready for performance to a public audience. You consistently respond in a positive way to feedback from your teacher and/or peers. And use this feedback to further refine and develop your work

During this process you have clearly understood the key terms and vocabulary used in contemporary dance and can respond to these appropriately in lessons. Your Blog presents evidence of your identification of the key characteristics of contemporary dance and an effective analysis of your progress in physical skills, dance technique and performance quality over the last three months


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