Relationship between lyrics and the contemporary dance piece - 'A Doll's House'
Here are the lyrics to 'El perdón'
El perdón
Por las veces que me engañaste
Por los hijos que no me diste
Las promesas que no cumpliste
Y los besos que no sentiste
El perdón..
Por haberte callado tanto
Las mujeres que mantuviste
Por los abrazos manipulados
Por los enfados descontrolados
El perdón..
Te lo da Dios
Pero yo no
Por creerte que eras mi dueño
Manipulando todos mis sueños
Enredándome con caricias
Engatusándome con mentiras
El perdón..
Por haberte sentido sucio
Con el amor que mi amor te daba
Despreciándome con silencios
La avaricia tu viva estampa
El perdón..
Te lo da Dios
Pero yo no
Tú te has burlado de mí
Pero ha llegado tu fin
Te lo da Dios
Pero yo no
Here is the English translation, annotated to show lyric and movement correlation ideas:
The forgiveness
For the times that you cheated on me,
for the children that you did not give me,
the promises you didn't keep,
and the kisses that you didn't feel,
the forgiveness...
For having kept you so quiet,
the women that you kept,
for the manipulated hugs, Melissa and Anna's hug from behind - controller vs controlled
for the uncontrolled anger, - banging fists show anger and frustration
the forgiveness….
God gives it to you...
But not me.
For believing that you were my owner, - trust fall partner section, manipulator has full trust & control over partner
manipulating all my dreams, - Deacon - being thrown and lifted and completely controlled
entangling me with caresses, - Deacon being surrounded
coaxing me with lies, - bringing Chloe and Emma back from trying to escape - controlling and persuading their bodies to go a certain way.
the forgiveness...
For having felt dirty
with the love that my love gave you,
despising myself with silences, - banging fists
greed is your living picture,
the forgiveness...
God gives it to you...
But not me.
You made fun of me, but your end has come.
God gives it to you,
but not me
"For believing that you were my owner"
In this trust fall section, in each duo there is a clear controller and manipulator who is controlling their partner. The trust fall backwards shows that the person being controlled has 'given in' and is willingly allowing the other person to have ownership over them and the way they move. They trust the manipulator, even though it is unhealthy, and believe that they belong to them.
"entangling me with caresses, coaxing me with lies"
The punching and banging at the air here represents frustration and anger. Manipulated people tend to blame themselves and become filled with self-hate. The banging also creates a sense of trying to break free, like she is trying to break free from her mind which is telling her it is her fault.
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