Physical skills - 23rd September

The six physical skills required for dance

1. flexibility - The range of movement at a joint. 

In this video flexibility is demonstrated in my hips and my knees. 

2. balance - The ability to hold and control your body weight evenly at a supported point.

In this video my balance is not very good and I need to improve it by spotting and my keeping my core upright, as when it begins to slant the balance is thrown and I stumble. 

3. stamina - The ability to endure and sustain physical activity in terms of your muscle and your cardio vascular system.

This dance requires lots of jumping so it requires lots of stamina to prevent you from getting tired. 

4. posture and alignment - To ensure that all parts of the body are relating to each other in a safe and efficient way, either standing, sitting, lying down or in motion. This ensures the safety of the body.

In this photo, posture and alignment is demonstrated as I am not slouching or hyper-extending my spine, shoulders or legs. I am standing in a parallel position and making sure my knees are correctly aligned over my ankles and feet.

5. strength - To withstand force and pressure and endure/ push back against resistance. Relies mainly on muscles

In this photo, core strength and arm strength is demonstrated as I hold up my body weight in this plank. 

6. coordination - To enable different parts of the body to work together well and to be able to focus on more than one movement at a time. 



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